CALL US: (02) 6032 8022
Rutherglen Veterinary Clinic
Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture is a remarkable therapeutic modality in that most conditions respond to treatment, and most clients report changes in demeanor, happiness and quality of life. Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine needles at varying depths into the skin at localised points within the body. The main condition we treat with acupuncture is pain and arthritis, but it can also aid with digestive disorders, spinal disease, urinary conditions, wound healing and many more.
How often is treatment required?
On the initial acupuncture consultation; the vet will take a history and perform a full physical assessment, ending with the acupuncture treatment; this roughly takes 45 minutes.
Follow up visits take up to 30 minutes and are recommended weekly for 2-3 weeks, then extended intervals from there, every 1-2 months, depending on your pets response to the treatment.
Does it hurt?
The needles are very sharp and don't often cause pain - however, some spots are very sensitive so we may elect to use our acupuncture torch only on those areas, still with great results.
If you are interested or think your dog or cat would benefit from acupuncture, please give us a call on 02 6032 8022.